Release Notes 06/12/2024
New Features:
- Save time with the new automatic invoice download function for Burson Ezyparts. If you have integrated with Burson Ezyparts you can now enable this feature and all your supplier invoices will be transferred from your Burson account to Workshop Software, saving you time by removing the need to double handle.
- Added the option to email a customer from the action star on bookings.
- Implemented a notification in the Transaction Centre to show if a customer has been contacted.
- Fixed an issue where using SHIFT select when making a payment for customer invoices was not picking up the selected range.
- Fixed an issue where using SHIFT select when making a payment for biller invoices was not picking up the selected range.
- Fixed incorrect State formats for all country codes.
- Added better MYOB support tools to aid in resolving syncing issues.
- Fixed an issue where creating a booking from the Booking Diary while using the 'Show All Shop For Month' setting would not use the correct date.
- Fixed a display issue where the condition of a unit was not displaying when looking at the Unit List.
- Create Event Times window will now properly dismiss when using the back arrow of your browser.
- Copying a supplier order will now refresh the screen and place you on the newly created order.
- Fixed an issue where the Biller tag would not be removed once it has been associated with a customer profile.
- Resolved an issue when navigating from the StockTake page could causes issues for the Booking Diary display.
- Restored functionality to show returned loan car details.
- Improved supplier invoice automatic download function for Repco and Burson.
- Released changes required for WPAY compliance update.
- Restored access to STRIPE for US accounts.
- Labour Settings for Tirecorrect have been updated to pull better data.