Release Notes 06/12/2024

New Features:
  • Fixed an issue where using SHIFT select when making a payment for customer invoices was not picking up the selected range.
  • Fixed an issue where using SHIFT select when making a payment for biller invoices was not picking up the selected range.
  • Fixed incorrect State formats for all country codes.
  • Added better MYOB support tools to aid in resolving syncing issues.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a booking from the Booking Diary while using the 'Show All Shop For Month' setting would not use the correct date.
  • Fixed a display issue where the condition of a unit was not displaying when looking at the Unit List.
  • Create Event Times window will now properly dismiss when using the back arrow of your browser.
  • Copying a supplier order will now refresh the screen and place you on the newly created order.
  • Fixed an issue where the Biller tag would not be removed once it has been associated with a customer profile.
  • Resolved an issue when navigating from the StockTake page could causes issues for the Booking Diary display.
  • Restored functionality to show returned loan car details.
  • Improved supplier invoice automatic download function for Repco and Burson.
  • Released changes required for WPAY compliance update.
  • Restored access to STRIPE for US accounts.
  • Labour Settings for Tirecorrect have been updated to pull better data.