Resolved an issue that was blocking some invoices from Repco and Burson from being added to the automatic download list. All outstanding or missing invoices have now been created in your WS account.
Resolved an issue where only ADMIN users could process a CASH type invoice. This functionality has been restored for all user groups that have access to invoicing.
Resolved an issue with the job card link that was sent out via SMS/text. The link will now trigger the a download of the pdf file.
WorkshopPay is here! WPAY is a fully integrated online and card present transaction management system that seamlessly integrates with Workshop Software. For an overview of what features and functionality this brings please see this guide. To begin the signup process please enter your details here.
Enhanced internal tools to provide better service for Workshop Software users. These updates streamline our workflows, enabling faster response times and more accurate solutions. Our team is now better equipped to address your needs quickly and efficiently, providing you with a smoother and more reliable experience.
Workshop Software's new Flat Rate Reporting system can be used to track your employees' clocked hours against labour jobs with a set labour charge out rate.
Introduced a "copy to clipboard" feature for details that are displayed on bookings, job cards/invoices, orders and supplier invoices.
Implemented a check when entering VINs - now when entering a VIN you will be alerted if this number is already recorded against a vehicle in your system.
Based on user feedback we have reverted the changes to event times and bookings implemented in late October. There is no longer a requirement to keep an event time on a booking.
Resolved an issue where unnecessary save messages would appear when viewing supplier profiles.
Fixed Dealership Trade-In display error where the details of the trade-in would not be visible.
Resolved an issue with WPAY payments not syncing back to WS.
Updated required fields on the Public Booking form to properly highlight missing information.
Resolved an issue where the Loan Car Terms and Conditions would not show on the Print Authorisation form.
Updated language for Ireland and changed "Rego" to "Registration"
Added Multibranch changelog to the reverse sync action for Products, Customers, Vehicles and Vendors. This will assist support in the event that a multibranch site incorrectly syncs data.
The 30/60/90 Statement sent via email now uses the correct date range for the email subject line.
Resolved a display issue where holidays were not showing unavailable blocks in the Booking Diary.
Updated the Bookings tab in the Transaction Centre to show unassigned bookings.
Released web application foundation for a future mobile app update that will allow the attaching of images/videos to inspection items via the mobile app.
Improved security controls over the Communication Centre to further reduce the chance of a WS account being used to email spam.
Improved front end modules for better performance.
Improved the invoice select page for payments to allow for more entries on the list.
Upgraded internal tools to provide better and quicker service when assisting Account Management queries.
Removed required fields when creating a vehicle from an invoice to streamline the creation process. This is especially beneficial for those workshops that may not work on cars.
Increased the character limit for Tyre Size. Sometimes tyre lookups can return additional information, this improvement will enhance the visibility of this information.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to delete an event time from a booking which would then cause it to be inaccessible.
Improved the Create Mobile User flow from a mechanic's profile page. Following this process will now auto populate the mobile user with the mechanic's details.
Improved the Unassigned Booking tooltip to show more details about the booking status and vehicle details.
Implemented more secure password requirements for mobile users.
Fixed an issue where pressing tab to move through line items could cause the invoice screen to jump back to the top of the page.
Fixed an issue where single clicking a job in the Transaction Centre required you to also move your mouse to expand the job card details.
Resolved an issue where product quantities for products in a bundle could display incorrectly when also using Reserved Stock.
Resolved an issue where updating an event time for a booking could error if there was no time selected.
Fixed a display issue for the Balance Due on Partial Payments.
Improved supplier syncing to MYOB if the Address was left blank.
Updated the software to scale better on smaller screens.
Changed the date format when selecting invoices for payment to not show year first.
Added the postcode field to customer profiles when accessing them from Head Office in a Multi-Branch setup.
Default event times will automatically show in the pop up window for a Booking.
Resolved an issue where SMS/texts purchased in the USA would show the incorrect price.
Introducing: Create New Jobs Directly from the Workshop Software App
We're excited to introduce a brand new feature that will save you time and streamline your workflow - making a new job directly from the Workshop Software Updates and Feature Requests app!
Ever been onsite and had a customer request additional work for a different vehicle? Now, with just a few taps on your mobile device, you can create a new job without the need to switch to a laptop or browser. This feature is designed to make your life easier and your work more efficient.
But wait, there's more! In addition to creating a new job, you can also add a new customer and vehicle on the go. Say goodbye to unnecessary back-and-forth and hello to a smoother process that puts everything at your fingertips.
With this latest update, we're empowering you to handle customer requests swiftly and effortlessly, directly from your mobile device. Stay tuned for more exciting features coming your way!
Fixed an issue where bookings made in a future daylight savings period would be two hours ahead. The correct time will now be used when creating a booking for this period.
Improved the registration lookup feature for New Zealand, WOF Expiry and Rego Renewal will now be pulled in and recorded against the vehicle.
Improved trial setup process for New Zealand accounts.
Resolved a multi branch issue where customers could not be searched by email. You are now able to pull in customers from other branches via the email search function.
The latest update for the Workshop Software mobile app is out now! Check here for more information on the new features and how to access them.
Create new Invoice. The new phone app gives you complete power to create and manage an invoice or job card from start to finish. Click the plus to create a new invoice or job card. This includes the ability to create a new customer and/or a new vehicle.
Process Invoice. There is full processing of the invoice including collecting payment for a cash sale.
Email Invoice. You can email the processed invoice to your client, or find any closed invoice and email.
View processed and closed invoices by using the selection on the search bar.
This major mobile update can be used on an appropriate mobile or tablet including iPad.
Microsoft Entra/Azure Single Sign On functionality. Add an extra layer of security and control access to your Workshop Software account. If you have a Microsoft Entra account you can now link users from Workshop Software to Entra users to allow for SSO. Please note this requires an Entra account to function.
Multi-Branch improvements to increase usability and functionality:
Added Service Advisors to the Dealership Unit Sale Report.
Changes made to how the Company Messages are stored to improve efficiency.
Resolved an issue where saving more than one serial number at a time when entering a supplier invoice would only save the first one entered.
Added a date range to the SMS Report for ease of use.
Fixed an issue where deleting a user could keep the record active in your next billing cycle. This has now been resolved, please contact '[email protected]' if you have any questions.
Resolved an issue where new trials could have issues printing sales reports.
Updated the login process for accounts in a "Trial Ended" state. Streamlined payment screen to gain access to your account quicker.
Updated Vehicle Visuals header to display the correct name.
Resolved an issue where payments for customer/supplier invoices created in Xero were not syncing back to Workshop Software after a manual sync - depending on the amount of payments that need to sync back this may require multiple syncs to complete.
Editing customer/supplier records in Xero will now update the record in Workshop Software.
Improved error catchment messages when there are syncing issues between Workshop Software and Xero.
We’ve re-factored the whole app to ensure the latest and greatest use of technology is used in the mobile app. Last year we invested heavily in our infrastructure updates in relation to hardware and our web application, and now we’ve re-written the whole mobile app to the latest technology. This update will be the foundation stone for future enhancements and updates to the app and provides a platform for us to deliver even better and faster updates to you in the future.
iPad and Android Tablet Support You’ve been asking for us to implement this, and now we have delivered. We are excited to announce that one of the main features of this new update is iPad and Android Tablet support. This will put even more power into the hands of technicians and business owners. Now, everything that you can do on the Mobile Phone App can now be done on an iPad or tablet. This will greatly increase productivity and give you even more efficiencies in your workshop.
What you’ll get Some of the enhancements you will see with this new release:
Leading technology to ensure the best security.
Performance improvements.
Fixes an issue with some versions of android phones.
iPad and Android tablet support.
Upload multiple photos at a time. This is something that has been requested by our users.
A new foundation for future updates and improvements.
Fixed an issue where the Stock Value Report was not grouping correctly when printed.
Increased the amount of service advisors visible in the Checked On field for the Loan Car Diary.
Fixed an issue where file attachments sent out with incorrect file extensions could corrupt email text formatting.
Changed loan car bookings so they can still be accessed even if the attached job is deleted.
Updated the scheduled hours fields for employees so that you can type in the time or use the built in time picker.
Fixed an issue where removing a discount from a booking could cause the booking to not save.
Removed 'Registration Not Verified' tag for New Zealand accounts using Rego Lookup.
Fixed graphic issue where the Group field drop down would overlap product details when there was a long list of groups.
Member Numbers - If you use a membership system with your customers you can now record this information in Workshop Software! The member number title can be customised and will show on all relevant reports.
Updated our billing service to automatically send out invoices for single use purchases like SMS/Text and Registration Lookups.
Fixed an issue where Inspection Comments were not printing on the Inspection report.
Updated the Print Labour Style invoice format to accommodate New Zealand mobile numbers.
Fixed an issue where some accounts were printing a previously entered email address as the business email on printed invoices.
Fixed an issue where special characters used in Job Card Item Notes could block the Print Jobs for Day process.
Changed the WPAY integration process to allow for changes made to the Merchant ID.
Updated the Westpac terminal integration to allow for more attempts when entering the manager password for a refund over $100.
Updated banner message for uploading an image or video that is above the size limit for better clarity.
Important improvements to the stability of the reports server. This will create a more robust operating system for reports and has better error and issue handling. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with the reporting system, Workshop Software now supports more robust handling of issues to prevent any performance degradation.
Copy Attachments, now when copying an invoice you have the option to also copy the attachments from the original.
Resolved an issue where it was possible to process a payment and the screen would refresh to create another rather than showing you the processed payment.
Fixed an issue that would stop supplier invoices from voiding if there was a unit acquisition on the invoice.
Job cards generated through Print Jobs for Date on the Dashboard will now have the barcode in the same place as printing an individual job card.
Fixed an issue where inactive products could show in the product list if it shared the same item code with another product.
The Stock Take can now be ordered by the 'On Hand' column. This will also order the printed version.
Improved the Activity Log to show date and time stamps when an action is taken with a job card or invoice.
Changed the Mechanic Time Log to order by Begin Date for better readability.
Resolved an issue where splitting a bundle across two invoices could cause the second invoice to print incorrectly.
Improved Booking Diary performance.
Resolved an issue where it was possible to send out a Public Booking request approval with the incorrect date in the email subject. This could occur when making a change to the initial date requested.
Invoice totals have been updated to allow for large amounts to display better.
Resolved an issue where the WPAY settings could become inaccessible.
Product Price File - import products from a catalogue that are excluded from general searches. Price file products will appear when entering the exact item code, ensuring your searches remain streamlined and efficient, while still providing easy access to these products when necessary.
Added Engine Code to Job Cards.
Added phone number formatting to invoices.
Resolved an issue where job card signatures were not showing on the printed job card.
Longer Item Codes will now show the complete code on reports and invoices.
Issues with connecting Westpac terminals and making payments has been resolved.
Improved MYOB errors in the Event Log for clearer reporting.
Cleaned up unnecessary "unsaved data" messages.
Redirected the email verification landing page to appropriate server.
Fixed an issue stopping video attachments from being sent without sending the invoice.
Updated Stock Take to retain the correct page number when changing filters.
Fixed an issue where multiple tax lines were not printing on invoices if more than one tax type was used.
Changed the language of the red bar error when trying to delete an invoice that has a deposit associated. This will now be clearer rather than showing a generic error.
Fixed an issue where ordered parts could be prematurely marked as received. All ordered parts will be marked as "On Order" until the supplier invoice is processed.
Updated Queensland rego lookup.
Resolved a Reserved Stock calculation error when adding a bundle to an invoice. The bundle header (bundle name) will show the correct quantity.
Increased Reserved Stock calculation efficiency to complete in a shorter time frame.
Updated SMS integration to be in line with US regulation. US accounts only.
Updated functions to streamline Workshop Software.
The January update for Workshop Software is here and it is packed with new features and updates! Check out our blog post for a quick video showcasing these new features.
New Features:
Email Verification - use your own email address to send out communication from Workshop Software.
Transaction Centre - check out the expanded Job Centre to manage all of your transactions.
No Tax Option - when using a 0% tax rate the tax field is removed from the software and printed invoices.
Towards the end of 2023 we released a text editor. Based on feedback received we have reworked this to increase the font size for job card notes and invoice notes.
Updated the SMS Logs to show the SMS User and Date Sent.
When syncing records to MYOB, if the Street Address is too long it will automatically be cut off to allow syncing to continue.
Updated the Work in Progress Report to allow longer job card numbers to show without losing any digits.
Updated the printed job card to allow longer serial numbers to show without losing any digits.
Resolved an issue where Prevent Split Notes was not functioning for Dealership.
Resolved an issue that was blocking Stripe email payment requests from being sent out.
Fixed an issue that was stopping some products from being deleted.
Updated the More/Add Products window to allow special characters when creating a new product in this way.
Fixed the "Back to Grid" button on bookings to allow the assigned vehicle to be changed.
Resolved an issue that caused some processed invoices to redirect to a blank new invoice when selected.
Cleaned up the Vehicle Visuals event report to better highlight potential issues.
Resolved an issue that was stopping new integrations with MailChimp from being set up.
Fixed an issue where Head Office accounts where not able to access Company Settings.
Resolved an issue where vehicle history shared between branches was not accessible.
Some US users are unable to upload information to Carfax. We have implemented comprehensive logs to further investigate this issue to aid in finding a solution.
We have made a change to the purchasing of DVLA and Post Code Lookups in the UK to stop accidental duplicate purchases.
Removed deprecated functions to streamline Workshop Software.
Updated the Import function to show all Vehicle History Items/Lines data.
We've re-created the mobile app to deliver you more functionality in an easier to use interface. This update is a new standard for the Workshop Software mobile app, with a plan to continue to grow and evolve the App even more in the future.Edit Products on an Invoice
One of the exciting new features is the ability to add/edit and delete products from an invoice. We've had lots of clients ask for this functionality and the new app delivers. This will help your workshop be even more efficient with Workshop Software and allow your team to manage jobs from the palm of their hand. New Look and FeelThe new look makes it easier to navigate and use. You'll find it much easier to understand and know where you are, and get to the places you want quicker.What you need to know
Ensure you watch the video and understand the new settings to activate some of the new features. You'll also need to update the app from the Apple or Google Play stores. As always, we are working on ways to enhance your experience further and help your workshop be the leader.
Resolved an issue where some users intermittently were not able to create a new product.
Improved online booking system where phone number was used multiple times. In some instances, the wrong customer could be used if the same phone number was used multiple times for different customer records.
Loan Car improvement. The loan car status was not updating in the Booking Diary when all loan cars are booked out for the day.
Resolved an issue where generating a Sales report and setting Search By to Invoice Number would not create the report.
Resolved an issue where the Finalised/Work inspection tile was not opening that list of inspections.
Improved customer and supplier indexes to increase system performance.
Removed deprecated functions to streamline Workshop Software.
Resolved an issue that made the Xero integration settings page inaccessible.
Some users reported finding an incorrect vehicle assigned to certain job cards. This has been resolved.
There was an issue where double clicking a vehicle to attach it to a job card was not responding but single clicking was. This has been changed so that either method will work.
Fixed an issue where Supplier Biller payments were not picking up the invoices for suppliers attached to that Supplier Biller.
We have updated our SMS integration and this comes with a few changes under the hood. Most importantly we have now re-enabled the Mobile Company Name. From today any SMS you send out from Workshop Software will show your business name. Please note that if you are in the US, SMS sent from Workshop Software will come from a pre-determined number in accordance with regulation.
Coming up to the end of the year it can be time consuming entering in unavailable times, to help with this we have implemented a tool to schedule unavailability over a date range. To set unavailability, choose Settings >> Schedule >> Click "Star" action, and choose "Set Unavailable Times"
For New Zealand clients, the WOF Due Date for a vehicle has been added to the Customer Portal.
Major front end infrastructure update. This upgrade comes with improvements under the hood and sets Workshop Software up to provide more enhancements in the future.
A new text editor has been implemented to improve responsiveness while typing up job card notes and messages. This update will also reduce formatting discrepancies between what is shown on screen and what is added to a printed invoice.
We have built out the Activity Log on job cards and invoices to now show when the invoice type or customer has been changed. You can also see when a discount or deposit was added and by which user.
Some users reported unavailable times not showing in the schedule when more than 11 mechanics are rostered on and you flick between pages. This has been resolved.
The Inspection email template has been updated to accurately reflect status changes (red or yellow to green) in Workshop Software.
Statements will now automatically add the date period to the email subject line when sent out.
Improved customer syncing between Workshop Software and MYOB.
A display issue for the description of Bookings when using quotation marks has been resolved.
Some users have reported issues generating the Mechanic Performance report when the report type was set to "Invoice", this has now been resolved.
Some users reported that parts brought back from Burson EzyParts were returning with the cost excluding GST. This has been corrected.
We have made a change to the purchasing of Rego Lookups to stop accidental duplicate purchases.
A display issue with the new product popup message on Multi-Branch has been resolved.
The Rework feature has been updated to only display the relevant invoices for a customer.
Earlier in the year we implemented a change request that updated the auto create order feature to not consider products that are in the status of "On Order". This new update adds an additional Product setting that allows you to auto create orders in the previous way if desired.
When creating a new user login that has limited access, sometimes the new login would not be created correctly. This issue has been resolved.
Some users reported a display issue when using bundles for a customer that has a Price Matrix setup in use. This has been corrected.
Made further improvements to MYOB authorisation.
Some users reported Business Intelligence was slow to update, this has been improved.
Repco integration improvement. We have been working with Repco to improve the integration. This update streamlines the way we open the Repco integration and improves the finding of vehicles.
Some users were unable to access Business Intelligence when creating a new user. This has been corrected.
Re-write of the way we get the MYOB AccessToken back when the token already exists and hasn’t expired. There was a confusing error reported, that actually did not cause an issue, however, we've now improved this process so that you will no longer see the error message.
Some users reported an issue with cycling through products on the More/Add Products window of an invoice. This has been fixed.
Improved security with MYOB. Updated the authorisation process for MYOB.
Burson EzyParts 2.0 API endpoint update. We have been working with Burson EzyParts to improve the integration. This update has some internal improvements inline with Burson's roadmap. As a user you will not see any changes.
The team at Workshop Software are always looking to improve and give more value to you. Implementing this changelog serves several important purposes:
1. Transparency: We aim to provide more transparency to you about what changes have been made to the software. You can see what new features, improvements, and bug fixes have been implemented in each version.
2. Communication: This tool will improve communication between you and our team. This changelog will be used as a clear channel of communication detailing the changes made to the software over time.
3. User Experience: You can refer to the changelog to learn about new features or improvements. It helps people make the most of the software by understanding the changes and enhancements made in the latest version.
4. Community Engagement: Changelogs can foster community engagement by showing that the software is actively maintained and improved. We also encourage feedback on specific changes.
Alongside this changelog we have also implemented a feature suggestion board which you can access at the top left of this page. On this page you will be able to make suggestions for enhancements to Workshop Software as well as vote on ideas put forward by other Workshop Software users.